Canfield Before and After Care Located at Hilltop Elementary School
BEFORE-CARE 6:30-8:30am Before care is offered between the hours of 6:30am – 8:30am. You may bring in a prepared breakfast for your child if you choose to. If school is cancelled, or there is a 2 hour delay, no services will be provided for the day. Please check your local TV stations for closings.
AFTER-CARE 3:30-5:30pm Zion Christian Early Learning Center provides a safe, structured environment for students from 3:30pm-5:30pm daily. Time is allotted for students to work on homework assignments or participate in activities planned by the staff. They may use the available toys, games, puzzles and art activities each day. They may also bring in simple toys or games from home. Electronic games are permitted. The use of cell phones for taking still pictures or videos is prohibited; however cell phones are permitted strictly for calling/texting a parent if necessary. Your child is responsible for lost or stolen items. An opportunity for outside play will be available weather permitting.
After care will generally follow the same structured routine with children each day. As the children enter the room, attendance is taken and restrooms are used if needed. Snack is then provided. Following snack, organized games and free play will continue until the children are picked up. Parents must always sign out their child each day. Only people on the child’s pick up list will be permitted to pick up your child. Identification must be provided.
Students using the after care program will be provided with a snack. Due to allergies, we will only serve peanut free snacks at all times.
Children in after care also have an opportunity to relax and play with other students.
Meet Mrs. Toni Baker
Students are permitted to bring an appropriate change of clothing for any after school activity or for comfort.
A $15 registration fee and all enrollment forms must be submitted to the program administrator before your child begins the program. Use the button above to go to our forms page.